This week for our EART Team blog ring we were asked to write about why we started with our craft. I was thinking about this the other day and trying to pin point it down. I have been "crafty" for so long that it seem like it has always been a part of my life.
I have to give the credit for my hands on, creative nature to both of my parents. My dad is a wonderful wood worker and has always been good a "building" things, even one of the houses we lived in. My Mother is a talented seamstress and crocheter. In addition to all of that she cross stitched and is excellent at drawing and scketching.
With all of that being said I think I get my love for jewelry and design from my Pawpaw (mother's father). He was the kind of man who saw something that he was interested in and just did it. He never did anything half way either. One of his many "adventures" was into silversmithing and lapidary. He created jewelry and even cut his own stones to use in his beautiful pieces.
I have several of the stones he cut, and a few of the peices that he created. I am amazed by them, and admire and miss my Papaw so much. When I inherited these items I realized how much I really wanted to pursure jewelry design and eventually silvesmithing.
Even though I have been crafting with beads, elastic cord, and copper wire for many years, it was the nspiration that my Papaw left me that has given me the passion ans desire to make something more from my gift. To make the most beautiful things that I can with the best quaality and love that I can give them.
Thank you, Papaw for everything! I miss you!
Ok...drying my tears now :) Want to read about how some of the other EART team members got their start with their craft? Start at the
Eclectic Artisans Team blog and work your way around. They have some great stories to tell that are worth listening to!
Have fun and Have a Great Thursday!!!