Today on the EART Blog ring we are talking about out favorite color to work with. I have to admit that I tend to gravitate toward cool colors in my work because that is what I enjoy for myself. Blue is my weakness. It doesn't matter the shade, any blue will do!!! I prefer to work with natural gemstones that are blue instead of glass. I feel that the intensity that nature brings to the stone is so much more beautiful than any glass could be.
I don't think that I have a problem using other color combinations, however I don't wnd up doing it very often because I work from impulse. So my impulse typically gravitates to my personal color preferences. Stuck in a rut may be a more appropriate term for me than out of my comfort zone! Haha!
Want to read about what colors light up the creations of the other EART team members? Head on over to the
team blog to follow the ring around!